helpwave tasks

The first open source team management platform for healthcare professionals

Patient care is teamwork. helpwave tasks increases the productivity in your clinical team. Ditch the printed ward list and coordinate the teamwork in a modern Kanban interface that has been inspired by industry best practices from lean project management.
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Connect your organization in one tool

Use helpwave tasks to experience a user-centered management tool, designed to simplify workflows and ensure high quality patient care.
Patient lists
Care unit overview
Task templates
Patient properties
Ward properties

Seamless mobile experience

You don't have time to log in to a desk workspace to complete or assign tasks? Use the mobile app and never forget a task again.
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Ditch the printed patient list

Use the patient list to keep track of what’s going on in your ward and never have an outdated version again.

Effective teamwork

Are you part of the treatment team? See the progress without having to ask.
Task Templates

Quality management and time efficiency

Save recurring tasks as templates. Standardize your workflows and share them with your team.

Everything you need at a glance

Tired of searching for allergy records? Keep track of the facts.